Budgeting and Financial Reporting

Site-Based Finances

For the oversight and control of financial resources, finances are best maintained on site. The leadership should be actively engaged in setting and overseeing the budget. Spending must be well-documented and reports to the board must be clear and easy to understand. We can help establish good budgets and controls and to train leaders to be great financial stewards.

HR & Benefits Oversight

We can help establish payroll, benefits, and record-keeping for your school or business.

Facilities & Long-Range Planning

We can help you assess your needs and priorities and develop a plan for getting there. We can help you optimize the resources you have today while you work toward tomorrow.

Our Services

  • Leadership and Team Development

  • Optimizing Organizational Effectiveness

  • Budgeting and Finanacial Reporting

  • Optimizing Learning


Contact Info

NextLVL Management Consulting

PO Box 611674 Port Huron, MI 48061

Call: (810) 841-0681

Email: travis@nextlvlmgmt.com