Optimizng Learning

Individual Learning Styles

Every child can learn. The fact is that we (children and adults) don’t all learn the same way or even at the same pace – but, we all can learn. We have different personalities, talents, and experiences that impact our learning. We have tools to establish a learning style profile that will help us identify the way each student learns best. Just as one size does not fit all people’s clothes, instruction must be tailored to personalize and optimize learning.

Customizing Curriculum


There is no perfect curriculum for sale at your local teaching supply store. Benchmarks change. Needs change. Students change. The most effective curriculum is the one designed at the school building by the teachers and school leaders who are on the front lines. The curriculum needs to be continuously evaluated and adjusted. We can help your team become curriculum experts who can design and manage their own, custom curriculum.

Staff Training & Empowerment

We can help you hire, train, and empower your staff to be engaged, educational experts who work as a team to bring out the best in each student. We bring timeless business principles to the education industry to create a working environment that is enjoyable and effective.

Classroom Management


The most effective learning environments are in classrooms that minimize disruptions and maximize learning time. We can help your teachers learn to deal effectively with routine classroom disruptions and to effectively minimize them. It is not rocket science. It is relatively simple principles of behavioral science that have worked for us. We can help your teaching team learn and apply these principles for optimal learning.

Our Services

  • Leadership and Team Development

  • Optimizing Organizational Effectiveness

  • Budgeting and Finanacial Reporting

  • Optimizing Learning


Contact Info

NextLVL Management Consulting

PO Box 611674 Port Huron, MI 48061

Call: (810) 841-0681

Email: travis@nextlvlmgmt.com